The Beauty of Being Single

It’s the wonderful month of hearts once again and the awaited Valentine’s Day is coming up. However, it can’t be denied that there are some single people trying to put on their sad faces because they don’t have someone they call “Signficant Other.”

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The word ‘single’ carries one of the most negative connotations these days. In the public’s eye, being single is equivalent to being lonesome. Who said being single is ugly and to be ashamed of? Who said single life prevents you from being happy and contented? We think such things because we are clearly brainwashed by the world’s standards. Being single is actually full of enlightenment and self-finding. Therefore, don’t go gloomy every Valentine’s day because February 14 is just a day that will just go by.


I’ve heard more married people thank God for their season of singleness than I’ve heard single people thank God in their season of singleness. It gives the impression that now, in retrospect, they realize what God was doing all along while they were single and they thank Him for it, which is good, nothing wrong with that, because of course, sometimes, if not most times, we don’t understand and fully appreciate what God is doing until later. But do we have to wait until we understand it before we thank Him? Does it have to be until we get it that we can express our gratitude?

You know, the bible tells us to “thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will]”. -1 Thessalonians 5:18

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Being single is a time that you can never get back once you get married (I’m emphasizing marriage here because there’s no other way we’re heading to once we’re in a romantic relationship but marriage). Being tied to your lifetime partner is just equal to more responsibilities, bidding goodbye to that freedom of doing anything on your own, making decisions by yourself, scheduling your daily routine and many more.



Each season of our lives has its place and purpose. There is a season to be a baby and then a season to be a child. There is a season to be a teenager and then a season to be an adult. There is a season to be single and then to get married. So, don’t be such in a hurry in getting into a relationship. You might miss the good things in this beautiful season. Just remember that wherever we are right now is a season that God has placed in our lives to take pleasure in and enjoy before finally sharing our love to someone.

You may not like this season He has you in, you may not understand how you are 30 going on 31 and you are not even dating anyone, when you thought you’d have 2 kids by now, you may not understand why most of your friends are married and you’re still in school studying Law or Medicine and still livin’ la Vida sola (Haha, please I need you to laugh). You may not understand how everyone else’s boyfriend/girlfriend has been able to find them but it seems yours is having some difficulties finding his/her way.

You may not understand it all, perhaps that’s why God says, to trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, stop trying to figure it out, just trust Him. You can trust Him because He is so, so faithful.



If you are single and have prayed and prayed for someone to love you forever, and that man/woman has not appeared, don’t think God has forgotten you. I mention this because I hear this a lot. Continue to give all your needs to the Lord and tell Him you trust Him to fulfill them. Tell Him you recognize that your greatest need is for more of Him. Don’t let discouragement about your situation cause you to settle for anything less than what God has for you. At the same time, don’t make your requirements so strict that no one can ever live up to them or would even want to try. Ask God what He wants before you tell Him what you want.

Seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and trust Him that He knows what (and who) is best for you. Serve God by staying in the center of His will, doing what He has asked you to do, and giving of yourself for His kingdom. When we are obedient in all of the things God is asking of us, we end up at the right place at the right time. And timing is extremely important. Make God the fulfillment of your greatest dreams and needs, and He will hear your prayers about the deepest longings of your heart. Don’t give up or stop praying; just continue growing deeper in your walk with the Lord

22 thoughts on “The Beauty of Being Single

  1. nigroskitchen says:

    I really enjoyed your perception on singleness. A lot of thought went into the post and I appreciated it. God’s word actually encourages singleness in the sense that more can be done for him without distractions, but, it also values marriage which God originally instituted. In other words, God sees the benefits of both singleness and marriage. The problem is when others make a single person feel horrid by trying to push them into marriage, whether it be a culture thing etc. Just enjoy the day which is so precious and when the right person comes along and you find yourself not wanting to live without them, get married. Then, and only then will two people enjoy making decisions together as they head in the same direction! Thank you for this post

    Liked by 2 people

    • hellodewww says:

      I certainly agree with you, Nig. Thank you for sharing your wonderful insight. That’s why in every circumstances and in whatever season we may be in (single or not), let’s just continue to honor and worship God. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. believe4147 says:

    There was a time I didn’t understand what Paul meant when he talked about marriage and singleness to the Corinthians. Mainly when he said our concern would be to our husbands. I’ve learned through the years of marriage how that works. Yes, hindsight continues to be better than foresight. I can say I am thankful for both seasons of life. Thankful to see you walking in the wisdom of God, contented in Him.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ortensia says:

    I am not single but when I was I liked and still now I really much enjoy and need my own and alone company.😀regarding s.valentine,we just assume that is the day of lovers isn’t it the day of love?any love?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Krishel says:

    I love this! I don’t really get why people automatically assume that single people are sad. Haha. Bakit ba? We can enjoy our own company. (Loner much?) Haha. And the company of a few good friends.

    Liked by 2 people

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