Kawasan Falls


Walking to Kawasan Falls in South Cebu is quite an adventure and exciting…



More than the color of its water, Kawasan’s other charm is its rustic appeal.



A short 15-minute walk from the national highway will lead you to the majestic waterfall.



This is the reward for many travelers that await- the grandeur waterfall with gentle rushing and flowing of ice cold natural spring water.


Perhaps it’s the water that draws local and foreign tourists alike to this charming destination in Cebu.


There is actually other waterfalls to visit in the area, and they are located just above the famous Kawasan Waterfall. These waterfalls are a bit smaller, but they still have beautiful turquoise waters.DSC02155







Mixed all of them with chocolate flavored ice cream. Sweetness overload!

I stared at the beautiful scenery in front of me, letting my eyes feast on these pretty little things.

Taking pictures of chocolates are exciting and fun. It dances with our neurochemistry in order to actually uplift the body and mind. The chocolates above are my top 3 favorites.

What are yours?

A letter to my sister who’s getting married


Cherish each other in big ways and in small ways,

and never forget the magic of those three little words “I LOVE YOU.”

In marriage, remember that it is the little things that make the difference…

Don’t forget the birthdays and the anniversaries (an occasional note means a lot!)

Share each other’s life-even the small details- for too often we forget that day-after-day becomes year-after-year, and then it’s gone.

Give each other room to grow…

We all need our time alone.

Keep strong your faith in each other; time has a funny way of testing us, and it’s faith that gets us through.

And most of all, don’t forget to respect one another. This world could always use more of that. Speak your mind honestly, openly, but with kindness, for angry words are scars that may never heal.

Trust each other; let your trust be your rock. Most of all, each day be sure to hold each other and fall in love all over again. 🙂






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Thank God for Your neurons


Lord Jesus,

I thank You for my neurons. For my well functioning dendrites and axons.

You created my brain for the purpose of bringing glory to Your name. I do not want my brain to be conformed to the patterns of this world, instead I ask You to enter all areas of my brain that You might give me the ability to process academic and spiritual wisdom from your Holy Spirit.

I believe that you created my inner most being and that my brain is fearfully and wonderfully made by your hand.

Lord I repent of all the times I have not regarded my brain and my learning abilities as a gift from You. I ask you to forgive me for the negative thoughts and words that I have spoken against my own brain and learning abilities.

I repent of trying to solve my learning problems through my own efforts rather than turning to receive your love, grace and healing touch first.

I pray that I will not have a Spirit of fear about learning new things. I accept your gift of the spirit of power, love and self-discipline into my brain.

Give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that I might succeed in school and to know You better.

Thank you, Lord, for using me. For choosing me.

Thank you for blessing me with Your bounty. Your favor. Your love.

I feel more peaceful and fulfilled than I ever have in my entire life.

I am learning so much. Growing so much.

You are so good to me, Lord Jesus.

I don’t deserve Your love, Your grace, Your favor nor Your blessing.

Yet, you still love me.

Your little doctor in the making,


An Open Love Letter To You


Dear future partner,

Statistics show there are seven billion people in the world. Seven billion people with different names, different faces, and different perspectives. Some of them are happy, some are confused, some are hurting, and some are indifferent. There are seven billion people in this world. Quite a big number, yet amazingly one of them is YOU.

Perhaps, I’ll meet you in a little coffee shop where I usually study and burn candles for the next dreadful exams, perhaps I’ll meet you at your favorite bookstore, in a church event where I see you worshiping and praising, in a random gathering where unnoticeably we exchanged smiles and laughter or perhaps at my favorite restaurant or like the usual stories in movies where we just bump into each other and capture each other’s thoughts and leave each other’s deep impression. I don’t exactly know where I will be meeting you but maybe, just maybe, you are just a quaint for all these years and you might be reading this right now. I just do not know but one thing’s for sure, God is full of surprises especially when you make Him write your love story.

I may not know who you are yet- your name, your smile, albeit I’m pretty sure you have that lovely face. However, those physical features won’t matter because I know what I’m going to adore about you is your love and burning passion for Christ. There’s nothing more manly on this earth than a man who is so in love in Christ and is fully surrendered to His will. Don’t you worry, all the things that we have been doing alone for quite a long time will soon come to an end and we’ll be finally doing things together. We’ll get awkward on our first date together, hang out with our friends together, eat lots of good food together, conquer our first long hike together, watch our favorite bands together, get a closer and better view on our big smiles, have deep conversation with about anything, go to church and worship God together, pray together, cry together, laugh together, dance and kid around whenever we want to, exchange each other’s Iloveyous and finally use the Iloveyouitmakesmecrazycryhappy. Yes, that wonderful feeling of warmth and sometimes chill, the feel of crazy butterflies in our stomachs. I am more than excited to know that we will feel “kilig” all the days of our lives until we meet at the altar and exchange not only our “I Love Yous” but our “I Dos.”

Always know that I am earnestly and constantly praying for you. I am preserving my heart for you and how lovely it is to think that you would also wait and pray for me. Wait ‘til the right time comes. At this moment, let’s just make God our partner for life before and after we find each other. Let’s wait patiently, pray fervently and start preparing ourselves to be the “right one” for each other. Let us enjoy this season of singleness because when the long wait is over, it will be a meaningful start of our amazing journey together and I’m sure you’re going to love it. You’ll be the happiest man on earth just like the happiest woman that I will be.

To my dearest future partner, there are seven billion people in this world. Many of them could have my heart right now, but I choose to wait if waiting means having our happy ending together with you and my God above.

Your future princess ♥

Choco-filled Donut

I have a deep, dark, secret love of something truly naughty. It’s the choco-filled donuts served at Dunkin’ Donuts. It was one of my all time favorite snack and by thinking of it, it takes me back to my elementary school days.DSC01101DSC01102DSC01104DSC01108DSC01116

Here’s a close up picture of chocolate filled. Ain’t that delicious? Whether served for breakfast or dessert, these donuts result in a dreamy treat!


Something Green

We all have that one color we first fell in love with the moment our eyes set upon. It may be your favorite or it might not be anyone’s favorite but we still preferred such color because of how it affects our mood.

My first favorite color out of the endless colors that I like is Green! I loved the color Green because it’s very relaxing and pleasing to my eyes. Here are some of my Instagram photos that speaks how much I love the color Green and of course, Matcha! 😀