Kawasan Falls


Walking to Kawasan Falls in South Cebu is quite an adventure and exciting…



More than the color of its water, Kawasan’s other charm is its rustic appeal.



A short 15-minute walk from the national highway will lead you to the majestic waterfall.



This is the reward for many travelers that await- the grandeur waterfall with gentle rushing and flowing of ice cold natural spring water.


Perhaps it’s the water that draws local and foreign tourists alike to this charming destination in Cebu.


There is actually other waterfalls to visit in the area, and they are located just above the famous Kawasan Waterfall. These waterfalls are a bit smaller, but they still have beautiful turquoise waters.DSC02155


Trip to Gaas, Balamban!

6 months ago, my friends and I decided to embark on an adventure that was pretty out of plan. We decided to visit a special place called Gaas, Balamban. What I thought was just a typical hangout turned out to be one of the most memorable moments in my life as a young adult. It was surely an adventure worth remembering. It was exceptional, not only for the reason that I was with friends, but it was a day with many firsts- my first visit to Gaas and my first time to be able to travel a long distance ride on a motorbike.

We left the city during the night where the streets were busy, not only the streets but also the sidewalks, people walked from place to place, running for errands and if there’s one thing that I love with busy streets is the sound of music everywhere; From the stores down to the honks of different vehicles in this never-ending traffic of Cebu.

 We travelled on a convoy of motorbikes and I thought it was rad, well, with our huge jackets and hoods. Haha. As we speed down the road, I felt the wind in my face. I smelled the crisp, evening air. There’s nothing like the rush of energy during that ride and darn, the coolness of the wind was a very good feeling to my skin. Passing through the tree lined section of the road, I felt the 2 degree drop, and though it was dark and pitch black, I still felt the combination of fear, exhilaration, relaxation, and pleasure.
 Roadtrips bring you to beautiful places, like Canada for instance! Hahahaha

After an hour of travel, I felt a drop of rain on my head and it was about time when the rain came pouring when we arrived at our place. Immediately, we set out the table and placed all the foods so we could start rocking the night out. Haha! After a while, the rain transitioned from drizzle to heavy rain. However, the rain didn’t stop us from having fun. We played, talked, and laughed all night with about anything, drank coffee to keep us warm, and stayed up past midnight ‘til we didn’t notice it was already 5 o’clock in the morning. And then we slept early in the morning to boost our alertness and energy level for our activity right after.

 After a few hours, I woke up with a renounced excitement to look at what supposed to be a beautiful morning view was a fog that was so dense that nothing could be seen a few yards ahead. Instead of planning to go back to the city, we were stucked inside the house ’cause it was unsafe to go out. We didn’t know that there was a big storm coming to town so we decided to stay for another day until the fog clears out and the rain stops.

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