Get to know her

After finishing a course of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, she went on to pursue her childhood dream as a Doctor of Medicine. At present, she is in residency training under the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Her goal is to become a good doctor that not only save and serve humanity but to give a big impact on people’s lives.
She loves to read, to travel, to share her thoughts and experiences, to make artworks, to capture good memories, places and smiles through photos.
“Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

29 thoughts on “Get to know her

  1. Belle dame says:

    Hi Ate Delbeth! Thanks for making a stop at my site 🙂 you have a pretty and inspiring blog 😊…and I can see that you’re a med student 😮 *Go Ate!!* hehe I’m just enthused 😊😊



  2. Mhae Maldonado says:

    Hi, Delbeth! I was shocked someone gave attention at my blog and liked my posts. Thank you so much! i hope you’re having a very good time with everything that you do. God bless!
    P.S. I look forward to befriending you. Hihi 🙂


  3. jazzieellaine says:

    Hello Delbeth 🙂 this is actually my first time to visit your blog and it’s so cute 🙂 very girly. it’s really obvious that you are one. hehe i thought you are from Davao also but when i read your Abouts, you’re from cebu pala. hehe i am amazed that you get to balance Med School and at the same time blogging. Just keep on doing what you love and God bless you always 🙂

    PS. oh, feel free also to visit and follow my blog Delbeth. hihi 🙂 i hope we could keep in touch even just through blogging. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • hellodewww says:

      Sorry for the late response. By this time you could tell that I’m having a hard time balancing Med School and blogging. Haha. I don’t blog quite often anymore because of the bulk of chapters to read but I do love to scroll my newsfeed and read blogs especially when it’s my study break. Sure, I’ll visit yours! ❤


  4. LivingOutLoud says:

    Hello Delbeth!
    Thanks for stopping by and following me! I am looking forward to following you on your journey and reading more!
    ❤ Alana


  5. thia-runner-writer says:

    Hallo Delbeth,
    You have a lovely blog. I really like how expressive you are and your passion for life! I qualified as a doctor back in 1997 and wish you lots of wisdom for your journey. It is great that you have this creative outlet, keep it going, it is good for your soul and will keep you well. Thank you also for visiting my blog. I’m new to this. Taking up writing and developing my own creativity has brought a lot of healing to my life.
    Bless you and have a very happy Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

      • thia-runner-writer says:

        Hi Delbeth,
        I specialize in Anaesthesia, but I am really interested in transitioning into mental health somehow. It’s unlikely to be with the medical model.
        Merry Christmas and happy new year to you as well! 🎄🎉🧚‍♀️


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